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During COVID-19 marketing needs to KEEP CALM and LEARN FROM CENTENNIALS. We are sure they are the key for brands to survive. The main reason for this is that they know how to live in the online world without missing the outside world. In addition to this…

  • they know how to create attractive content in a few minutes, you just have to see  their tik toks;
  • they know how to say ‘I love you’ by using a new language like stickers, ‘memes’ and hashtags;
  • they know how to have fun with their friends by creating ‘the point game’ in which they put a point in the comment box and wait for an answer;
  • they know how to engage their audience with online activities like ‘I never, never’, ‘who is more likely to…’, and ‘ask me anything’.

For these reasons, we can affirm that Centennials are the new marketing gurus.

Some brands have been able to detect the current needs of consumers and have adapted their products to new contexts. For example, Tik Tok created a digital ecosystem where Generation Z is the queen of all generations by saying goodbye to authority profiles like bosses, family members, and institutions.

Centennials are so dominant that they have adapted the products to their whim. For instance, Zoom, which is an app for online conferences used at work. Today, thanks to the new generation, is a space for parties, remote dating, and meetings with friends. In addition, they have used this space to reaffirm their identity by using creative wallpapers.

Netflix is ​​another example of a brand that learns and reinvents itself with Centennials. Despite bringing together families, couples and friends with their streaming products, today it has created a virtual place to gather its consumers remotely: Netflix Party. This shows that in order to survive it is not enough to be in the correct channel if a brand does not adapt, it dies.

Surprises do not end here, Centennials have the ability to revive brands that were buried a long time ago, the biggest proof of this is the platform ‘Ask.fm’.

For all of the above, in Business Fishers we help brands to learn how to create messages like Centennials do, by making them co-creators and protagonists of new content and products. We help people who work in areas such as marketing, advertising, and communication to know Centennials, by being aware of all their moves, like professional stalkers.