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This in-house methodology provides information to assess traditional and online communication performance vs. your main competitors.
By using our Monitor you will be able to:

  • Obtain real-time tracking of indicators to identify its effectiveness: awareness, influence, remembrance, among others.
  • Identify positive and negative attributes associated with your brand vs. your main competitors.
  • Recognize innovative communication actions and evaluate their impact.
  • Assess common media used by competitors.

This methodology answers key questions like…

  • What is the degree of your campaigns effectiveness vs. your competitors?
  • What is the degree of engagement generated by your communication strategies vs your competitors?
  • What kind of content is generated by your competitors?

With the insights obtained by the usage of Business Fishers’ Monitor you will be able to:

  • Identify the most effective advertising strategies.
  • Measure the impact of each media used in your communication strategy.
  • Learn about potential market opportunities.
  • Understand market dynamics.