Special analysis CHAID
Special analysis CHAID
This report precedes our deliverable about “Gren Zers’ shifts in purchase habits” by making an emphasis on online purchases which before the pandemic were very important for this generation. E-BOOK
During these days, the majority of us are having nervousness and stress when going out for shopping as currently shopping can be considered as a military mission. But how is it for Gen Zers?
You can find all details in our E-book.
At the beginning of 2020, the brands’ SWOT did not consider a pandemic threat. COVID-19 has caused the disappearance of many brands, the emergence of some others, and a few have required to adapt to new contexts and business models because they had no other choice.
In this sense, which has been the behavior of Mexican consumers against this new reality and how will it be? In Business Fishers, we devoted to investigate it. Therefore, during July and August we’ll do several submissions of our research. In this first submission we analyzed the perceptual, attitudinal, and emotional status of the Mexican generations.
Through a survey performed at the national level with 1,500 cases in June, we found out that 87% of Mexicans perceive that the quarantine hasn´t been practiced as it should be.
The previous assessment is attributed to the disbelief that still permeates of the virus existence. This incredulity provokes Mexicans to go out to the streets without adhering to proper physical distance, protective measures (masks, antibacterial hand gel), and encourages people to constantly go out when it´s not necessary.
The survey also revealed when participants estimate to be able to go out fearless of catching the virus: one percent think it might take less than two months, 58% believe it could happen before six months, 19% forecast SARS-COV-2 will last another year, 15% consider this emergency will persist longer than a year; and seven percent is uncertain about the durability of the pandemic.
In terms of the participants’ personal emotions: 60% believes they spend more time with their families, in contrast with a 22% that feels even more alone than before, 53% of Mexicans are frustrated on account of the situation although 32% feel currently happy; 31% stated feeling sad and 29% experiencing anger.
It´s worth mentioning that frustration levels decrease as the age increases. Therefore, if we talk about generations, Centennials are the ones who express the most negative feelings about Coronavirus situation: frustration, anger, and sadness. Instead, Millennials are the happiest ones and Baby Boomers are those who feel more complemented by their family and maybe that´s the main reason for them to be the less frustrated with this new reality. Finally, the generation who feels less accompanied in this moment it´s the X generation.
In subsequent submittals, it will be presented how the journey of the buyer and the behavior of Mexican consumers have changed, as well as which are the trends that brands could exploit in order to create business and communication strategies.
We urge you to keep in touch!
Discover the Centennials’ level of happiness during COVID-19 in our new E-BOOK